Demo Version 1.2 InDev (Release!)

Hello! I hope you've all been enjoying 2025 so far! As for me, I've been hard at work on version 1.2 for the Demo, and I finally finished it. While there are a few minor bug fixes, this content update is largely dedicated to a complete overhaul of the UI for the game. It's taken me a bit over a week to get it done and 'mostly' functional, so I hope you enjoy it!

So, how about update 1.3?

A big motivation for me to finish 1.2 is so that I could begin working on 1.3, which I call the 'story' update. As of now there's very little story content whatsoever outside of some dialog about the shops in the underworld. For 1.3, I'll be adding a main objective along with some storytelling to go along with it to guide your gameplay. I hope you look forward to it, I definitely am

Due to the focus on the UI overhaul, I didn't do a great job at keeping track of the bug fixes that I made, but hope your play experience is better than the previous build.

- TechMaster

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